Sunday, November 13, 2011

I PB'd this morning and it was NOT Jiffy!!!

I mostly have a protein shake in the morning these days but today I cooked scrabbled eggs with Chicken Apple sausage as a treat. As I started to eat I could tell my band felt tight, but I just kept slowly eating. All of a sudden I knew something was very, very wrong...toto we are no longer in Kansas! I thought taking a swig of my hubby's OJ would help it go down. Wrong with a capital W. I could feel the saliva frothing and I excused myself to the bathroom. I coughed and coughed and then next thing I know a bunch of saliva froth/orange juice cocktail came up! all I can say. Oh and really painful too. I suggest you don't try this at home kids!!!


  1. Ouch, that sounds horrible! Hope you are feeling better.

  2. My post today is going to be about how crazy this band is ! Hope you're feeling better !

  3. mmmmm...chicken apple sausage is so yummy (Trader Joe's is my fav)...but don't yak it up, woman! Isn't the saliva frothing thing so totally nasty? Sorry it was a rough morning :(

  4. Haha, I think everyone's gotta learn the hard way that taking a drink is NOT the answer. It worked pre-band... but it's the opposite of help now, huh? :)

  5. Sorry you had to have that first one. They suck.

  6. I think we all learn the hard way that taking a drink isn't the right thing to do when you're stuck...sorry you had to go through that :(

  7. Even after I read your blog posting for today I STILL did the same thing with bread. I burped and foamy vomited for 3 hrs. Never ever again. I have learned my lesson.

  8. I still haven't been able to eat sausage with my band. Always gets stuck. Hope you're feeling better.
