Sunday, November 20, 2011

Grazing like a Cow

I went to my friends house for a party last night. It was appetizers and gamenight and let me tell you I not only ate the roses...I ate the chips, spanokapita, little smokies, chili, and some divine cake pop thingies. I basically grazed like a freakin cow last night (head bowed in shame). What I realized besides the pound I was up this morning was I am not immuned to the mindless eating game as before band. It is still there folks and I now have discovered the "eating past your band" syndrome. Since it was over the coarse of several hours I didn't get that restriction feeling I normally get and I kept going. I can wallow in my shame today or I can learn from this situation. I choose to forgive myself and chalk it up to a learning experience. I can still go to parties, eat and have fun but I need to keep my head in the game to avoid overeating.


  1. It must be in the moons. I did the same thing too. I'm so thankful I'm getting a fill on Tuesday.

  2. those darn little smokies got me on Halloween. Evil evil evil. LOL. Get back up in the boat :)

  3. thanks for sharing this ... i have a fear of the holiday parties coming up for this very reason !

  4. I remember the first time I went to card club after being banded- I ate like a crazy person. But you know what, it was okay. It was ONLY ONE DAY. Remember, you have the tool to just pick yourself up and keep doing the right thing. Eating at a party every once in awhile will not stop you from losing.
    So put your head up and make good choices today.

  5. It is so easy to just mindlessly graze, but we have to be careful with that. It seems like you have the right attitude! You can still go and have fun and have a little, but then not keep eating.

  6. Your post made me ask myself, what am I really getting when I just mindlessly eat and stand around grazing at food. I hope tomorrow I take the focus off the food and try to be more interested in people than I am food.(hopefully)

    Thanks for your post.
